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Investigation3 years ago
It would seem that the list of regions in 2022 as a whole is quite safe. But even there, the authorities are afraid of something
Alexander Kynev
Opinion3 years ago
Even within itself, United Russia cannot provide any free, fair, and competitive voting
Nikolay Kuznetsov
Opinion3 years ago
I hope the book will interest the reader and stimulate the development of research on electoral statistics
Arkady Lyubarev
David Kankiya
Grigory Melkonyants
Grigory Melkonyants
Opinion8 years ago
Сase of Elena Shebarshina, the former chairwoman of the Komi Republic’s election commission
Andrei Buzin
Opinion8 years ago
On September 6, the Central Election Commission held a discussion on high rates of early voting that’s been observed in elections to Barnaul City Duma. According to the Commission’s information, 14,000 people already cast their absentee ballots.
Stanislav Andreichuk