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Новость6 месяцев назад
“Map of Violations”: Administrative resource works for electronic voting turnout
From January 17 to January 31, we have received 209 reports from 55 regions to the "Map of Violations" for the 2024 Russian presidential election
ОтчетКарта нарушений10 месяцев назад
Map of Violations 2023: The findings
In 2023, 523 cases of irregularities were reported during the pre-election period and 574 cases have been published since the start of multi-day voting on September 8th
ОтчетКарта нарушений2 года назад
Map of Violations 2022: Summary
In 2022, there were 709 reports of campaign violations and 1,115 reports since the beginning of the multi-day election on 9 September
ОтчетКарта нарушений2 года назад
Map of Violations: the fight against observers in Moscow, and United Russia's secret plans in Kirov
During the week of August 9-15, the "Map of Violations," an online service of Golos, received 93 reports from 23 regions
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